Never Have I Ever
Let us take a moment to play a little game. You might remember it: “Never Have I Ever.” Before we begin though, we want to make it perfectly clear that this post is for you. If you are just starting out in the workforce, if you’ve been in the same post for ten years, if you have been a manager or not, if you have clocked into a job, done your shift, and clocked back out again. That’s right, it’s for everyone. Because on this Team, in this environment of unprecedented new and strange “norms,” it is becoming very clear that we - collectively - need to depend on one another for the next phase coming up - and not just for reopening. This is a time when the quiet IT guy steps forward to be the Superman leader of today. This is the time when the Shift Leader needs to be prepared to say, “ I can handle that.” Time to roll up our sleeves and dig in, reach out, and help your Team (guess what, that includes you!) climb back up and out of this.
So, here’s the game then:
One point each, if you can say the below statements are true. (If it doesn’t apply to you, don’t add the point.) Keep your score--it’ll be important later!
Never have I ever -- felt like I had enough training before I was expected to do a task.
Never have I ever -- felt confident in the process of disciplining or laying off an employee under me.
Never have I ever -- felt appreciated for the work I have done.
Never have I ever -- been excited to go back to work at the beginning of my work week.
Never have I ever -- been asked for my opinion or expertise in solving a work issue.
Never have I ever -- felt confident in my work presentation or preparation.
Never have I ever -- received a promotion I felt was due me.
Never have I ever -- been allowed to complete a project I’ve been assigned.
Never have I ever -- felt like I was working in a safe and supportive environment.
Never have I ever --had my personal goals prioritized at work.
Total your points!
Great! Now for part 2! For the following, write down your score based on how much you align with the question:
(1-point) ALWAYS / (2-points) SOMETIMES / (3-points) NEVER
I am satisfied with my position at work, and the pay it is given:
I feel like I am learning and growing in my job:
I make deadlines and finish my tasks on time and on budget:
I enjoy my work, Team, and my working environment:
I’m satisfied with the benefits/healthcare/perks of my company:
My personal time off-the-clock is always respected by my employer:
My company would support my choice in undertaking a training program or schooling to further my expertise:
I feel my personal identity/religion/ sense of self is respected by my employer and Team:
When I talk to my partner and friends about my workplace, they are happy for me and are supportive of my choice to work there:
When I think about the next five-to-ten years, I still see myself as a part of my current Team:
Total your points from BOTH sections.
Now: let's see your score!
10 -15 = Sounds like you’re on a great track, with a good company. Huzzah! But there’s always room to grow. Take some time to realign yourself with your long term goals. Don’t forget to take time for gratitude that you are in a supported position within a positive framework.
16-20 = Your career might be going well but your current work situation may be choppy. It’s time to start work on a five ( or ten) year plan that will bring you a sense of further accomplishment, with a company you are proud to be a part of.
21-30 = It’s time to negotiate your priorities. Sit down and begin a list. What roles do you fill in your life and how are you actively invested in them? Is your job the role in your life that’s holding you back from fulfilling your calling in other areas (or vice versa)? Is it time to change careers? Time to certify up, or take more classes to finish your degree? Is your company the best company to do that with?
31- 40 = Every person deserves dignity, and to be respected in their workplace. While it may pay the bills, this job will continue to break your morale down more and more each day. You can’t continue to dedicate yourself to a company which does not prioritize you back. Realizing you have to move on can be an incredibly stressful thought, but preparation is the key to finding your next job with your next company, who will appreciate your work, and support you accordingly.
In the next coming months, we will be bringing you a series of affordable, online learning and development classes, designed to help you to step up and out of the crowd, up to the plate, where you belong. We will offer short modules and worksheets that will help support you where you might be lacking support now in your current company, and help you prepare for working toward leadership roles, strengthening your management skills, and adding to your efficiency and effectiveness at work.
Our first class can be found HERE!