The Resource - Apps #1: Covid-19 Edition

To Gain #WFH Focus

Focus Booster

Using the Pomodoro method (short, 25 minute focused sessions interspersed with 5 minute breaks) to both achieve maximum efficiency and follow your eye doctor’s recommendations. Working from home is causing significant disruptions to the way many of us are used to working in the office—hey, maybe you have your own personal Pomodoro timer of your own at home—complete with two little feet!

Time Out/Smart Break

Time Out is for Mac users and Smart Break is for Android/PC users, but both focus on you workaholics out there—I see you. Here taking breaks is more about your mental health. Be well, my friends.


Need to just be working on that blog post or that email and keep finding yourself sucked into more “research?” FocusWriter provides a distraction free environment (giving you options so you can decide what that means for you) on your computer screen so you can stay focused on the task at hand: writing. (Also optional: your computer keys can sound like a typewriter. Gimme!)


This is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to limit (or block) whole sites, individual pages, or even page content like videos to allow you to keep on task. Maybe you enjoy Reddit… a little too much. Here you can allot yourself 30 minutes a day and then get back to work.

To Bolster Your Mental Health


Whether you spring for the subscription or just utilize the free content, there’s a lot to recommend calm, including music to reduce tension, calming stories to help you drift off to sleep, and meditation tools after exhausting, stress-filled days.


Sometimes we all need someone to check in with to help regulate our mental space. For those who live alone or don’t have anyone with whom they can truly share, Mindshift can provide a way to better understand and regulate their internal state, not just guiding, but teaching them how to process some of what they are experiencing.


Sometimes the thought of someone talking at you is just too much. Come to Colorfy to focus on the pretty, pretty colors. Meditate without trying!

To Improve Your Personal Growth


I came to this app after I realized that my stress was causing me to spend too much time on thoughtless games. I wanted the same stress reduction of a game but with more intent. I came across apps like Elevate and Lumosity, but found the price prohibitive. NeuroNation has free access with ads (which I don’t mind, since it is free), and provides the same stimulation and growth in areas such as memory, focus, and comprehension.


This one’s not new, but still beloved by many, many, many users. True, you may not become fluent in a language, but it’s a great way to brush up on your high school Spanish, or familiarize yourself with Italian for an upcoming trip to Florence (someday, someday soon). Besides, the only way to become fluent is to go there yourself. This is just a step towards getting you there—all while feeling like a game.

The links provided are resources we have found valuable. Please assess them for your own particular needs and situations. For help determining what resources are best for your company, contact us for a free consultation.


Consider the Water Bear…


How to Support Your Team During A Crisis - Part 2