How Do You Deliver?
Here's a truth: Every year, more than 50% of people make a New Year's resolution...a goal, if you lose weight, quit smoking, raise their credit score, get a raise, land that dream job. Yet by February, up to 80% of these resolutions have died. Face it, we have all been in that camp, probably more times than we want to admit, but Kathy Caprino, at Forbes, brought it all down to three top reasons we fail:
1) It's your consciousness that needs to change before your behavior can change
2) You don't have an accountability structure to help you sustain changes
3) You are actually scared of and completely resistant to achieving this big goal, and you won't let yourself
That's a lot to unpack. But, in the end, what all three have inMt. Everest from base camp common is time in preparation, support, and dedication to get the results you want.
Whether you're talking about opening a new business, losing 25 pounds, or landing a promotion, these goals can seem Everest-like when you are at the base looking up at the summit of success. So why we assume we can start the trek with zero prep or mental or physical training beforehand seems pretty naive. Yet, we all do it. It isn't so much that we failed to hit our goals; it's that we never even got started because the start begins with the preparation. No one in the history of ever has climbed Everest, just on a whim.