Cross-Pollination For The Win
We all understand why bees are an essential part of our ecosystem and our food supply. They are part of the cross-pollination process and hybridization that brings us many of the foods we eat and/or the foods our foods eat...many of which would not even exist without this help during the pollination process. The more cross-pollination options, the more species of food possibilities, including not just what we consume but what consumes the toxins in the air, water, and earth around us.
Through this one fertilization process, we have the capacity for more abundant harvests, a robust ecosystem, and cleaner earth. Pollinators and plants reap the rewards on both sides. This balance covers all needs, completing the cycle of growth and fruition where needed, diversifying and multiplying the options of species and sub-species, and providing food, shelter, and a cleaner environment as they grow, spawning new generations to take over the work moving forward.
The workplace ecosystem is just as delicate, and role-specific in assuring an organization is running as it should. Of course, everyone must do their part to keep the systems running cleanly, but just as cross-pollination helps diversify, protect, and build a more robust crop, its business version of "cross-training" can help assure you have all your needs covered at all times. Never dependent on one worker or department becoming the lynchpin (or hero) of the entire organization; instead, you have multi-departmental cross-coverage, with employees trained in multiple disciplines. This creates a team that can cover for one another and better understand how each department works to achieve organizational goals while helping build a better sense of empathy, appreciation, and community.