HR Is So Much More
It used to be that Human Resources were the people who just hired, fired, and kept you out of EEOC deliberations.
This often misunderstood and under-appreciated job title has morphed throughout the years, and today should be seen as the true linking ally between owner and employees in any company. In fact, there is a movement now where these job holders are fashioning new labels for their relational work focus, choosing things like: “Director of Employee Engagement,” and “Chief Happiness Officer.”
These revisions of how to look at your HR officer may seem a little “touchy-feely” to some, but at the end of the day, if you do not invest in the relationship with your employees, much like a neglected customer, you will have a heck of a time trying to retain them.
Despite what many seem to think, the almighty dollar is NOT always the first point that gains the devotion of an employee for the company they work for. Many, many workers would swap a dollar or two an hour for full benefits or a flexible schedule that allows them access to a better work-life balance.
Getting someone to “buy-in” to your brand on an emotional level is much more easily achieved with a strong onboarding program that has been well-organized and isn’t rushed through, allowing time to train and grow into the role as expected. Having an employee handbook that's easy to access and read helps so much in moments of stress when a family emergency arises and someone needs immediate info on leave and medical benefit information.
Having someone to go to when you are having difficulties with medical billing questions. Having someone to help with your holiday pay questions and 401 (k) sign-ups. Having a solid communicator and care-taker of your employee base is essential if you mean to provide them with a sense of security and confidence in their relationship with you: their boss and leader.
This overlooked essential role is not (in fact) only for the big corporations of the world. This role is an essential team member at even the smallest level of a small business when it comes to quality investment.
Taking care of the team that takes care of you should be a major priority. Investing in that now is the best way to build confidence in your employee health and welfare in the future.