Diversify Your Portfolio
The precarious horizon of half-opens to new phases—and the incessant threat of RE-closures—stands to clarify that whatever ground our workforce is built upon from day-to-day, it isn’t exactly the most stable.
So you have a job -- you made it through the last, devastating cull—does that mean your position will still survive if there is a second wave?
Or perhaps you are on furlough, waiting for your company to rise up again, yet tentative that your “Events Coordinator” position will still exist in the new regime where no one is hosting live events for the remainder of the calendar year.
Now, even while you wait, even if you aren’t in the (14.8) percentage of Washingtonians currently on unemployment (and certainly if you are among them), this is an excellent time to start investing in your number one asset. We’re talking about diversifying the portfolio of “You.”
Sure, that sounds a bit corny, but know what doesn’t?
An Operations Manager with HR experience in building bylaws and Employee Handbooks.
How about a Retail Manager with a side hustle in Diversity Leadership in Education.
Or: a Chef who happens to be a certified electrician.
Artists, Triple-A Ball-players, Customer Service workers, and even Teachers have almost always had to diversify their resumes with a myriad of expertise in order to piece-meal a full-time wage-worth of income together. The concept is certainly not new, yet many of us have trusted in our years of service and expertise in more conventionally sturdy environments to be a sufficient investment in our futures.
We now know: this is no longer the case.
The good news: there are more online education courses available that flex and move to your current schedule than ever before. You can still work your day job, and “attend” class on nights and weekends from the comfort of your home. There are thousands of skill-based courses being offered. Hundreds of online degrees you can earn while still pulling your full 40 hours.
With the interest rates at all-time lows, perhaps now is the time to take out a loan and finish your degree, or diversify your resume with a second.
Don’t have the assets or scheduling availability for a full college course? We can help you with options that will help bulk up your skill-set in an afternoon.
B.B King said, “The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”
You’ve come this far...so don’t quit yet.